Overview (1)

<aside> <img src="/icons/bookmark-outline_orange.svg" alt="/icons/bookmark-outline_orange.svg" width="40px" /> Calendar Priorities

Calendar Priorities


<aside> <img src="/icons/bookmark-outline_orange.svg" alt="/icons/bookmark-outline_orange.svg" width="40px" /> Calendar Pain Points

Pain Points


<aside> <img src="/icons/bookmark-outline_orange.svg" alt="/icons/bookmark-outline_orange.svg" width="40px" /> Calendar Preferences


Client overall calendar priorities:

  1. [No meetings before 9am or after 5pm Eastern time]
  2. [Client meetings take precedence over internal meetings if things need to be rescheduled]
  3. [etc.]

Color Coding


Meeting Preferences

Calendar Preferences

Meeting Support Preferences

Pre-meeting prep During the meeting prep During the meeting prep Post meeting prep Notes
Types of meetings Meeting bio or agenda needed EA needs to attend? AI note- taker only Any Action items?
External Meetings High-level Meeting Bio EA Ana to attend for meetings when presentation is needed Default (always Add Fathom inside the room) Post meeting notes made by Ana (default) Make the bio less text-heavy by highlighting the recent updatesFirst time meeting = defo need a bio
Internal Meeting Simple meeting bio for people new to the org Default (always Add Fathom inside the room) AI auto summary will suffice for recurring 1:1Internal team meeting = summary made by EA Ana
Personal Meeting N/A
In-person meeting High-level Meeting Bio for clients
Focus groups Know one thing about the room (details) / trivia! EA Ana to attend (default) Default (always Add Fathom inside the room) Post meeting notes made by Ana (default) Add details that allows Nathan to connect and build rapport with the attendees


<aside> <img src="/icons/bookmark-outline_orange.svg" alt="/icons/bookmark-outline_orange.svg" width="40px" /> Calendar Ideal Week

(post your client’s calendar here)

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Screen Shot 2024-02-05 at 10.14.52 PM.png

Criteria for success: “I want to be available for work/meetings no less than X hours per week.” “I pick up my kids from school every day; do not book me for anything between 3 and 4 p.m.” “I want to schedule a minimum of two date nights per month with my partner” “Meetings with Client X should always take priority over everything else.”
